Cdk-std Reference
summary | ||
public |
Returns the fully qualified URL to a static project asset. |
public |
F getIdentityVerification(challenge: string): Promise<string> Since your interactive controls can be run by any client, it's sometimes useful (particularly if you do fancier service integration) to be able to verify that the player is who they say they are. This method provides a means for you to do that. This is what happens:
Visualized, that's something like this: |
public |
F isLoaded() This signals to Mixer that the controls have been bound and are ready to start taking Interactive calls. |
public |
F Control(options: IControlOptions): * Scene is a decorator you can use to designate a class as a Scene. |
public |
F Input(_options: IInputOptions): * |
public |
F Scene(options: ISceneOptions): * Scene is a decorator you can use to designate a class as a Scene. |
public |
Singleton Clock instance. |
public |
Singleton Display instance. |
public |
The list of available locales. |
public |
public |
Singleton Navigation instance. |
public |
Your project's package configuration. |
public |
Singleton Socket instance. |