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import {RPC} from '@mixer/cdk'
public class | source



eventemitter3~EventEmitter → RPC

Primitive postMessage based RPC for the controls to interact with the parent frame.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(target: window, protocolVersion: string, origin: string)

Creates a new RPC instance.

Method Summary

Public Methods

call(method: string, params: *, waitForReply: boolean): Promise.<object> | undefined

Makes an RPC call out to the target window.


Tears down resources associated with the RPC client.


expose(method: string, handler: function(params: any): Promise | *)

Attaches a method callable by the other window, to this one.


remoteVersion(): string | undefined

Returns the protocol version that the remote client implements.

Public Constructors

public constructor(target: window, protocolVersion: string, origin: string) source

Creates a new RPC instance. Note: you should use the rpc singleton, rather than creating this class directly, in your controls.


target window

The window instance to make calls to or from.

protocolVersion string

The protocol version to communicate to the remote.

origin string
  • optional
  • default: '*'

Optionally, allow communication with the target if its origin matches this.

Public Methods

public call(method: string, params: *, waitForReply: boolean): Promise.<object> | undefined source

Makes an RPC call out to the target window.


method string
params *
waitForReply boolean
  • optional
  • default: true


Promise.<object> | undefined

If waitForReply is true, a promise is returned that resolves once the server responds.

public destroy() source

Tears down resources associated with the RPC client.

public expose(method: string, handler: function(params: any): Promise | *) source

Attaches a method callable by the other window, to this one. The handler function will be invoked with whatever the other window gives us. Can return a Promise, or the results directly.


method string
handler function(params: any): Promise | *

public remoteVersion(): string | undefined source

Returns the protocol version that the remote client implements. This will return undefined until we get a ready event.


string | undefined