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Static Public Summary

IControlDescriptor is returned from the Registry's .getControl(). This contains the Control options along with its constructor.


IControlOptions are passed to the @Control decorator to describe how the control is rendered.


IInputDescriptors are returned from the Registry's .getInputs(). This contains the inputs options along with its constructor.


IInputOptions are passed into the @Input decorator.


Contains the configuration of your project, in addition to any decorated controls and scenes we detected.


ISceneDescriptor is returned from the Registry's .getScene(). This contains the scene options along with its constructor.


ISceneOptions can be passed into the @Scene decorator.


ISettings are settings specific to each run of the custom controls.


IStateDump is a dump of the raw object tree.


IVideoPosition contains data about the position of the video relative to the iframe, in addition to its channel ID.


IVideoPositionList is given in the positions() observable from the Display.


IVideoPositionOptions are passed into display.moveVideo() to change where the video is shown on the screen.


An RxJS observable.

Static Public

public IControlDescriptor: IControlOptions source

IControlDescriptor is returned from the Registry's .getControl(). This contains the Control options along with its constructor.


ctor Function

The control's constructor

public IControlOptions: object source

IControlOptions are passed to the @Control decorator to describe how the control is rendered.


kind string

The kind of the control that this class should render. The some default kinds are "button" and "joystick".

inputs IInputDescriptor[]
  • optional

Control inputs. Note: this will be filled in automatically for you if you use the @Input decorator, but this may come in handy if you don't want to or can't use them in your environment.

public IInputDescriptor: IInputOptions source

IInputDescriptors are returned from the Registry's .getInputs(). This contains the inputs options along with its constructor.


propertyName string

The name of the property the input decorates

public IInputOptions: object source

IInputOptions are passed into the @Input decorator.


alias string
  • optional

Alias of the property as sent to the Interactive game client and sent on the wire. Defaults to the property's name.

displayName string
  • optional

Human-readable name of the input as displayed on the interactive editor. Defaults to the property's name.

defaultValue *
  • optional

Default value for the option.

kind InputKind
  • optional

The type of data this input takes. See the InputKind enum for more information and a description. If you are not using TypeScript, this MUST be defined!

public IPackageConfig: object source

Contains the configuration of your project, in addition to any decorated controls and scenes we detected. Most top-level parameters are sourced from your package.json upon compilation.


name string
version string
description string
  • optional
keywords string[]
  • optional
private boolean
  • optional
homepage string
  • optional

public ISceneDescriptor: ISceneOptions source

ISceneDescriptor is returned from the Registry's .getScene(). This contains the scene options along with its constructor.


ctor Function

The scene's constructor

public ISceneOptions: object source

ISceneOptions can be passed into the @Scene decorator.


default boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Whether to use this scene as the handler for all scenes.

You can override scenes by their id to use a different scene for a certain sceneID. In cases where there isn't a specific class for a sceneID, the default will be used.

@Scene({ default: true })
class MyAwesomeScene {
  // ...
id string
  • optional

When specified, registers this class to handle a specific scene ID. For instance, if you wanted the scene IOD lobby and arena to be implemented with two different classes, you could do that with something like the following:

@Scene({ id: 'lobby' })
class Lobbby {
  // ...

@Scene({ id: 'arena' })
class Arena {
  // ...
inputs IInputDescriptor[]
  • optional

Scene inputs. Note: this will be filled in automatically for you if you use the @{@link Input decorator, but this may come in handy if you don't want to or can't use them in your environment.

public ISettings: object source

ISettings are settings specific to each run of the custom controls. They contain some data about where the controls are displayed and the client displaying them.


language string

The user's current language setting, as defined in http://www.ietf.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt: This is generally in the form <language>[-<locale>]. For example, en, or en-US.

placesVideo boolean

Whether the video is included in and placed by the control area. On mobile layouts, this will generally be false.

platform 'mobile' | 'xbox' | 'desktop'

The platform the controls are currently running on.

public IStateDump: object source

IStateDump is a dump of the raw object tree. The Mixer.socket has an onStateDump handler which should be attached to; the editor will use this during runtime for debugging.


scenes IScene[]
groups IGroup[]
participant IParticipant

public IVideoPosition: object source

IVideoPosition contains data about the position of the video relative to the iframe, in addition to its channel ID.


channelId number

The channel this video belongs to.

bottom number

The video's offset from the bottom of the container in pixels.

top number

The video's offset from the top of the container in pixels.

left number

The video's offset from the left edge of the container in pixels.

right number

The video's offset from the right edge of the container in pixels.

height number

The video's height in pixels.

width number

The video's width in pixels.

public IVideoPositionList: object source

IVideoPositionList is given in the positions() observable from the Display.


connectedPlayer IVideoPosition

connectedPlayer is the position of the video which the interactive integration is currently connected to. (In a Mixer costream, there can be multiple players displayed at once.)

costreamPlayers IVideoPosition[]

costreamPlayers is a list of all players in a Mixer costream. Costreaming allows multiple people to stream together, you can read more about it at the link below. This wil always contain, at minimumum, the connectedPlayer. Additional channels may come and go over the course of the broadcast.

See https://watchbeam.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003032426-Co-Stream-FAQ for more information about costreams.

public IVideoPositionOptions: object source

IVideoPositionOptions are passed into display.moveVideo() to change where the video is shown on the screen.


left number
  • optional
  • default: 'auto'

Position of the video on screen from the left-hand edge of the container.

right number
  • optional
  • default: 'auto'

Position of the video on screen from the right-hand edge of the container.

top number
  • optional
  • default: 'auto'

Position of the video on screen from the top of the container.

bottom number
  • optional
  • default: 'auto'

Position of the video on screen from the bottom of the container.

width number
  • optional
  • default: 'auto'

Width of the video on screen in pixels.

width number
  • optional
  • default: 'auto'

Height of the video on screen in pixels.

duration number
  • optional
  • default: 0

Duration of the movement easing in milliseconds.

easing number
  • optional
  • default: 'linear'

CSS easing function. Defaults to 'linear'. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/transition-timing-function.

public Observable: object source

An RxJS observable. See http://reactivex.io/rxjs/manual/overview.html#introduction.