* Contains the configuration of your project, in addition to any decorated
* controls and scenes we detected. Most top-level parameters are sourced
* from your package.json upon compilation.
* @typedef {object} IPackageConfig
* @property {string} name
* @property {string} version
* @property {string} [description]
* @property {string[]} [keywords]
* @property {boolean} [private]
* @property {string} [homepage]
* IVideoPositionOptions are passed into display.moveVideo() to change
* where the video is shown on the screen.
* @typedef {object} IVideoPositionOptions
* @property {number} [left='auto'] Position of the video on screen from the
* left-hand edge of the container.
* @property {number} [right='auto'] Position of the video on screen from the
* right-hand edge of the container.
* @property {number} [top='auto'] Position of the video on screen from the
* top of the container.
* @property {number} [bottom='auto'] Position of the video on screen from the
* bottom of the container.
* @property {number} [width='auto'] Width of the video on screen in pixels.
* @property {number} [width='auto'] Height of the video on screen in pixels.
* @property {number} [duration=0] Duration of the movement easing
* in milliseconds.
* @property {number} [easing='linear'] CSS easing function. Defaults to 'linear'.
* See {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/transition-timing-function}.
* ISettings are settings specific to each run of the custom controls. They contain
* some data about where the controls are displayed and the client displaying them.
* @typedef {object} ISettings
* @property {string} language The user's current language setting, as defined
* in {@link http://www.ietf.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt}: This is generally in the
* form `<language>[-<locale>]`. For example, `en`, or `en-US`.
* @property {boolean} placesVideo Whether the video is included in and placed
* by the control area. On mobile layouts, this will generally be false.
* @property {'mobile'|'xbox'|'desktop'} platform The platform the controls
* are currently running on.
* IVideoPosition contains data about the position of the video relative
* to the iframe, in addition to its channel ID.
* @typedef {object} IVideoPosition
* @property {number} channelId The channel this video belongs to.
* @property {number} bottom The video's offset from the bottom of
* the container in pixels.
* @property {number} top The video's offset from the top of
* the container in pixels.
* @property {number} left The video's offset from the left edge of
* the container in pixels.
* @property {number} right The video's offset from the right edge of
* the container in pixels.
* @property {number} height The video's height in pixels.
* @property {number} width The video's width in pixels.
* IVideoPositionList is given in the `positions()`
* observable from the {@link Display}.
* @typedef {object} IVideoPositionList
* @property {IVideoPosition} connectedPlayer connectedPlayer is the position
* of the video which the interactive integration is currently connected to.
* (In a Mixer costream, there can be multiple players displayed at once.)
* @property {IVideoPosition[]} costreamPlayers costreamPlayers is a list of
* all players in a Mixer costream. Costreaming allows multiple people to
* stream together, you can read more about it at the link below. This wil
* always contain, at minimumum, the connectedPlayer. Additional channels may
* come and go over the course of the broadcast.
* See {@link https://watchbeam.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003032426-Co-Stream-FAQ}
* for more information about costreams.
* IStateDump is a dump of the raw object tree. The Mixer.socket has an
* `onStateDump` handler which should be attached to; the editor will use
* this during runtime for debugging.
* @typedef {object} IStateDump
* @property {IScene[]} scenes
* @property {IGroup[]} groups
* @property {IParticipant} participant
* ISceneOptions can be passed into the @{@link Scene} decorator.
* @typedef {object} ISceneOptions
* @property {boolean} [default=true]
* Whether to use this scene as the handler for all scenes.
* You can override scenes by their `id` to use a different scene for a
* certain sceneID. In cases where there isn't a specific class for a
* sceneID, the default will be used.
* ```
* @Scene({ default: true })
* class MyAwesomeScene {
* // ...
* }
* ```
* @property {string} [id]
* When specified, registers this class to handle a specific scene ID.
* For instance, if you wanted the scene IOD `lobby` and `arena` to be
* implemented with two different classes, you could do that with
* something like the following:
* ```
* @Scene({ id: 'lobby' })
* class Lobbby {
* // ...
* }
* @Scene({ id: 'arena' })
* class Arena {
* // ...
* }
* ```
* @property {IInputDescriptor[]} [inputs]
* Scene inputs. Note: this will be filled in automatically for you
* if you use the @{@link Input decorator, but this may come in handy if you
* don't want to or can't use them in your environment.
* IInputOptions are passed into the @{@link Input} decorator.
* @typedef {object} IInputOptions
* @property {string} [alias]
* Alias of the property as sent to the Interactive game client and sent
* on the wire. Defaults to the property's name.
* @property {string} [displayName]
* Human-readable name of the input as displayed on the interactive
* editor. Defaults to the property's name.
* @property {*} [defaultValue] Default value for the option.
* @property {InputKind} [kind]
* The type of data this input takes. See the InputKind enum for more
* information and a description. If you are not using TypeScript, this
* MUST be defined!
* ISceneDescriptor is returned from the {@link Registry}'s `.getScene()`.
* This contains the scene options along with its constructor.
* @typedef {ISceneOptions} ISceneDescriptor
* @property {Function} ctor The scene's constructor
* IInputDescriptors are returned from the {@link Registry}'s .getInputs().
* This contains the inputs options along with its constructor.
* @typedef {IInputOptions} IInputDescriptor
* @property {string} propertyName The name of the property the input decorates
* IControlOptions are passed to the @{@link Control} decorator to describe how
* the control is rendered.
* @typedef {object} IControlOptions
* @property {string} kind The kind of the control that this class should
* render. The some default kinds are "button" and "joystick".
* @property {IInputDescriptor[]} [inputs]
* Control inputs. Note: this will be filled in automatically for you
* if you use the @Input decorator, but this may come in handy if you
* don't want to or can't use them in your environment.
* IControlDescriptor is returned from the {@link Registry}'s
* .getControl(). This contains the {@link Control} options along
* with its constructor.
* @typedef {IControlOptions} IControlDescriptor
* @property {Function} ctor The control's constructor
* An RxJS observable. See {@link http://reactivex.io/rxjs/manual/overview.html#introduction}.
* @typedef {object} Observable
// hack: some export is needed for esdoc to see this as a module
export const foo = 'bar';