import { EventEmitter } from 'eventemitter3';
// interface IInteractiveRPCReply<T> extends IRPCReply<T> {} // tslint:disable-line
* The socket wraps the RPC instance and provides an event emitter than
* fires when various Interactive events come in. These events correspond
* with the `onSomething...` methods as documented in the [protocol
* specification](https://dev.mixer.com/reference/interactive/protocol/protocol.pdf).
* The payload of the event corresponds with the `params` from the events
* that the Interactive service sends. For example:
* ```js
* mixer.socket.on('onReady', data => {
* console.log('Are the controls ready?', data.isReady);
* });
* mixer.socket.on('onSceneCreate', scene => {
* // do something with the newly created scene...
* });
* ```
export class Socket extends EventEmitter {
constructor(rpc) {
this.rpc = rpc;
rpc.expose('recieveInteractivePacket', (data) => {
this.emit('interactivePacket', data);
this.emit(data.method, data.params);
* Sets the handler to use when the CDK requests a dump of the current
* controls state. It should return metadata about the scenes. This will
* help in your debugging, but you do not have to implement it.
* @param {function(): IStateDump} fn
dumpHandler(fn) {
this.rpc.expose('dumpState', fn);
on(event, handler) {
super.on(event, handler);
return this;
* Makes a call to the Interactive service. This is just like sending a call
* over the [Interactive protocol](https://dev.mixer.com/reference/interactive/protocol/protocol.pdf),
* however the only available methods are `giveInput` and `getTime`.
* For example:
* ```js
* // All giveInput calls must contain at minimum the event and control ID.
* // Everything else is passed through to the game client verbatim.
* mixer.socket.call('giveInput', {
* event: 'click',
* controlID: 'my_button',
* moreCustomData: true,
* });
* ```
* @param {string} method
* @param {*} params
* @param {boolean} [waitForReply=true]
* @return {Promise.<object> | undefined} If waitForReply is true, a
* promise is returned that resolves once the server responds.
call(method, params, waitForReply = true) {
const reply = this.rpc.call('sendInteractivePacket', {
}, waitForReply);
if (!waitForReply) {
return reply;