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 * Clock handles synchronizing the local time against the server, adjusting
 * for any client-size clock skew.
export class Clock {
    constructor(socket) {
        this.socket = socket;
        this.delta = 0;
        this.awaiting = new Promise(resolve => {
            socket.once('interactivePacket', () => {
     * Adjusts a timestamp given by the remote server to the local timestamp.
     * @param {number} timestamp
     * @returns {Promise.<number>}
    remoteToLocal(timestamp) {
        return this.awaiting.then(() => timestamp - this.delta);
     * Adjusts a timestamp created locally to the one on the remote server.
     * @param {number} timestamp
     * @returns {Promise.<number>}
    localToRemote(timestamp) {
        return this.awaiting.then(() => timestamp + this.delta);
     * sync runs a quick clock synchronization against the server. Recursive
     * calls itself, with the remaining samples to take as well as samples
     * of the drift between the local and server clock.
     * @private
    sync(remaining = 3, deltaSamples = []) {
        const start = Date.now();
        return (this.socket
            .call('getTime', {})
            .then(({ time }) => {
            const now = Date.now();
            // To get the clock delta, add the latency to the time the server
            // said it had back then, and compare it with the current time.
            deltaSamples.push(time + (now - start) / 2 - now);
            if (remaining > 0) {
                return this.sync(remaining - 1, deltaSamples);
            this.delta = deltaSamples.sort()[Math.floor(deltaSamples.length / 2)];
            return undefined;
            .catch(() => undefined));